
During this month, the CyberTalks project, which aims to share knowledge about cybersecurity, started the second webinars cycle for the international market.

The webinars were conducted with their segmentation oriented according to the following geographies: Europe, Angola, and Cape Verde.

The webinar Pentest: Information Security, Risk Management, and Mitigation - for the Angolan market was done in partnership with Progroup and featured a demonstration of a Black Box attack in addition to the summary on Pentest types, evaluation steps, frameworks, methodologies, and more information about our Pentest as a Service.

The webinar sessions about SOC and Security Incident Response, presented in English for the European market, and in Portuguese for the Cape Verde market, focused on key concepts, types of teams and tiers for setting up a SOC, as well as demonstrating the anatomy of a cyber-attack and the response to security incidents.

In the coming months, we will continue this project for the Portuguese and international markets.

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